
Andrea's First Hike - Rancho San Antonio

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After a botched attempt last weekend, Andrea and I finally got out to do some light hiking on Sunday. I took her to a little preserve that I use to condition, Rancho San Antonio. It's fun to get a bird's eye view on the south bay and SF, although we didn't make it up to the top this run.

Our hike totaled roughly 4 miles and I'd say about 1000 feet of elevation change. Not bad for Andy's first time out. I think we're going to try and make this a weekly outing for a while because it's such a great way to get in shape and get some color. We'll definitely be making a trip to REI to pick up some proper shoes for her some time over the coming week.

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We had several close-ups with wildlife during the hike. First up was a large family of quail. There were probably 8-10 of these little buggers running around, completely oblivious of our presence. This one seemed to like the camera, so I snapped a couple pictures.

A little later on, we rounded a bend and came up on a pair of deer. They were both standing on the trail eating without a care in the world. Andrea and I stood back, assuming they would run if we got any closer, but they never really spooked. We probably could have touched one of them as we passed, but after a few awkward stares it jumped off the trail into the woods.

Andrea keeps reminding me of how tired her legs are... and I keep reminding her that she's got to get ready for the 12-mile conditioning hike I want to eventually take her on. Baby steps are probably the correct approach here.

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