
Mystery Bruise

Andrea and I went hiking on Saturday. After we got home, I was showering and caught a glimpse of this awesome bruise on the back of my arm in the mirror. I have no idea where it came from. We've been racking our brains for the past day and a half trying to come up with an explanation, but we've got nuthin'. So for your viewing pleasure, I present... the Mystery Bruise!



  1. Dang! That's pretty serious!!
    You sure it's not from your manager poking you w/ a poking stick from behind you to make you work more/faster? Erik? :)

  2. Erik only pokes me from my right side. I can explain the bruise on that side. This one is on the left so it's a mystery. ~.^

    Only thing we've come up with was that I was picking Andrea up over my head and WWF slamming her on the bed before we went hiking (yeah, we're both children). I might have torn something doing that.
